
Episode: One Framework to Diagnose Any Problem at Work

Michael Hyatt: Hi, I’m Michael Hyatt.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: And I’m Megan Hyatt-Miller.

Michael Hyatt: And this is Lead to Win. Our weekly podcast to help you win at work and succeed at life. In this episode, we want to share with you one framework that we use repeatedly to diagnose any problem at work. Megan, why don’t you set this up for us?

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Well, half the battle as a business owner is figuring out how to solve the problems that you have in your business. And if there’s one thing that as a business owner, we’re rich in for better or worse it’s problems. If you’re doing it right, your success is probably creating some problems. The thing that we often don’t spend enough time on is getting clear on where the problem lies and what it is. We just sort of jump into action, because by definition, we probably have a pretty strong action bias and we can get down the road pretty far with solving a problem with all the best intentions.
However, if we’re solving the wrong problem, we’re probably making the problem worse or just creating another problem. And kind of that whole idea of jumping out of the frying pan into the fryer. So, this methodology that we’re going to talk about today really helps you get very clear with a lot of precision on what your problem is? And where it lies? So, that you can find the right solution, not just any solution.

Michael Hyatt: Okay. So, we had a potential client come to us recently with what they thought was a hiring problem. So, they had tried to hire for this particular position. And then had a couple of close encounters, but it just didn’t work. And they were really struggling with how to get the right person in this job. So, as we began to talk about it with them, this potential client, we helped them to see that this wasn’t actually a hiring problem so much as it was a vision problem.
And if they could get clear on the vision of who they wanted to hire, then it would make the execution that much easier. And so, a light bulb went out for them and that potential client became an actual client as a result of that. And that’s what we want to share with you today is what we call the for Focus System. And it consists of three parts, vision, alignment, and execution.
So, vision is deciding what to do or what to hire in this particular example. Alignment is organizing to do it. In other words, how can we align all of our resources? How can we have a common strategy so that we can move together as a company to achieve the vision? And then finally, the execution part is just getting it done, making it happen, making that vision a reality.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yeah, I’m really excited to talk about this because there is so much that is written and talked about around execution. And like I said, in our opening, our bias toward action especially, in the Western world. Especially, in kind of the common personality types of business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders we just jump right to execution.
How can we dial in our execution? How can we become more effective? But we often don’t go far enough upstream to really fix the root of the problem. It’s almost like the execution is more often than not symptomatic of an alignment problem or a vision problem. Not always, but very often in our experience that’s really in play. And if you can get clarity on that and then solve the issue at the root, then the execution part will almost take care of itself.

Michael Hyatt: Yeah. And the important thing I think to realize here is that all three of these buckets are important vision, alignment, and execution. But they have to happen in a certain order.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yes.

Michael Hyatt: It’s not like you can start with execution and be successful. We’ll talk about why in a moment, or you can just zero in on alignment. You really need to look at all three. There’s needs to be vision. Without vision, there’s nothing to align around. And without alignment, it’s kind of a waste of resources to try to execute. So, we’re going to unpack that as we look at it. So, let’s start with the first component and sequentially the first one, and that’s vision.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: This is really important to talk about, because I think there’s a lot of misunderstandings here. Vision is something that at full focus we’re really passionate about. Normally, when you’ve probably heard us talk about it in the past, we’re talking about it in the context of a long range vision for where we want to take the company, where you want to take your company, or your team.
And usually, that time horizon is somewhere in the 3-5 year range. In fact, we have a whole book on it called, The Vision Driven Leader. And certainly, that kind of vision is foundational and absolutely critical for business growth, and longevity, and success. However, really vision at the most basic level is the ability to define and articulate something that doesn’t exist yet. You’re basically making a sketch about something in the future that you see that others can’t see. That you can then kind of make it tangible for people in the present.
And that could be anything from your vision from 3-5 years out in the future to a project that you want to accomplish next week. They’re really as a business owner, as a leader, you are casting vision all the time. Not just for the future of your organization, but for all kinds of things that are mission-critical.

Michael Hyatt: Yeah. I think beginning journey starts with getting clear on the destination.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yep.

Michael Hyatt: Steven Covey said, “Begin with the end in mind.” And that’s true, Megan, as you pointed out at the macro level, when you were talking about your entire company. But it’s also true at a more micro level, when you’re looking at various projects. For example, I had a nonprofit client recently who was frustrated because they weren’t able to recruit quality trustees. And I said, “Well, what’s a quality trustee? They didn’t have a clearly articulated vision of the kind of trustee that they wanted.
Moreover, they didn’t have a clearly articulated process for recruiting and onboarding those trustees. And so, that’s all under the realm of vision. You take what you have now, the kind of trustees that you have now, you take the process, the recruitment process. And frankly, in their particular situation, it was just somebody randomly would appoint them or invite them to a board meeting. But there was no clear process with do this first, do this second, and so forth in order to produce that predictable result. But again, it start with vision and that was the part of it that they were missing.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Well, and you can imagine if you got people just showing up to a board meeting, or there’s no clear process, how in the world would you possibly get alignment? And buy in from your team, which we’re going to get more deeply into here in a moment. But you can kind of see how these really are sequential and they build on each other because if you don’t have clarity and as leaders, man, this is something we struggle with because we have all kinds of stuff in our head all the time.
And we expect people to be able to read our mind, or we think that, hey, I said it to this person like “Everybody should just understand it now. We don’t make it explicit and concrete where then we create the right conditions for alignment down the road.” And this is really important. It’s actually, why we teach our business owner or client, something we call the Vision Caster, which is a tool that we have for articulating vision.
In that case, not really from a long range perspective, but for specific projects, or initiatives, or goals that they want to go after. We have this process that we walk people through in our coaching program, because we feel like this is such a fundamental skill of leadership. If you don’t have this, it’s really hard to consistently execute at a high level and drive operating results because you can’t get the people aligned around the thing to go execute on it downstream.

Michael Hyatt: That’s excellent. This is kind of second nature for people that are doing building projects or renovation projects.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Right.

Michael Hyatt: You even think typically, especially a more complex project of just whipping at your hammer, some nails, maybe a saw, get a pile of sheet rock and start building.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: What could go on?

Michael Hyatt: That’s the equivalent of a business owner jumping into execution. No, instead what you would do is, you’d probably start, I just went through this process myself, but you’d probably start with an architect. They would interview you to see what you see, what is it that you want to create? They might bring some ideas of their own, but those are ideas.
It’s very easy for those to be ambiguous. And for there to be a sea of misunderstanding between the two of you, simply because it never gets expressed in a drawing, or in written form, or in a way that’s objective so that the architect, for example, in this case could say to me, “Is this what you envisioned? Or here’s what I was thinking. What do you think?”
Now, it wasn’t until we got totally aligned on what the vision was that we could go out and start aligning other people. Because there had to be contractors, there had to be other subcontractors, there had to be other people. But you can’t align them without blueprints. You can’t align them without a clear vision of what it is you’re trying to create. Once you get that set, then you can begin the execution process. But it all starts with vision. I like to have a big t-shirt on, that says, it all starts with vision because it does.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yeah, maybe we need to add that to our Full Focus Store. I think a lot of people would like to have that including me. It’s funny dad, as you were talking, I was thinking back to some of the episodes that we’ve done lately on delegation. This is such a hot topic for business owners and leaders, because the only way that we can grow our businesses really is, to raise the ceiling on the business and wear that ceiling. So, you’ve got to get stuff off your plate. You’ve got to be able to delegate. And one of the reasons that I think people get so frustrated with delegation and they just kind of throw the baby out with the bath water is, because they don’t understand what we call the Full Focus System, vision, alignment, and execution. And they’re frustrated because maybe they try to delegate something and the execution was flawed in some way they didn’t get back what they wanted from the person that they delegated to.
And typically, what that conversation sounds like is, well that person’s an idiot, or they just don’t get it, or maybe I need to hire somebody else. It’s that person’s fault. When if you apply this diagnostic over the top of that problem, what you will almost always find out. I’ve had a lot of these conversations with clients is that there was generally a breakdown at the vision level or at the alignment level.
And they just thought that person could read their mind or they provided incomplete information. And it was a setup to fail from the beginning. It was actually, the fault of the business owner or the leader, not the person being delegated to. And so, if you have found yourself struggling with delegation and you’re like, “Why can’t I ever get somebody to do it as well as I would? Or why does this feel like it’s always more trouble than it’s worth?” I want to challenge you to think of, could it be that there’s a breakdown at the vision level articulating what it is that you want? Or at the alignment level, aligning someone to what you want? So, they’re very clear and ready to kind of take that like a Baton in a relay race that may really be the root problem there.

Michael Hyatt: Okay. This is good. And it applies not just in your professional life.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Right.

Michael Hyatt: But just to flesh this out a little bit more, it applies in your personal life too. So, last week, Gail and I talked about what the double win means in this season of our life, from each of our perspectives. Well, we had a kind of a meltdown the day before, because as we began to talk about it, we realized that we were terribly misaligned.
I had one idea of what that looks like and this season of our life, she had another idea. And I said, “Well, we can’t record that episode. We’re just too far apart.” And so, as we began to talk, and literally this was a two hour conversation, we finally got to the place where we said, “Oh, we have a different vision of what this is.”
And so, we had to negotiate, we had to reflect, we had to explore, we had to come up with what that means at this point in our life. Now, we could have been executing all day long in our personal lives and really frustrating each other and frustrating ourselves because we weren’t aligned. And the reason we weren’t aligned is because we didn’t have a common vision. So, I don’t care if it’s in your professional life or your personal life, things go better when you start with vision.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: I love that story because so often we spend a lot of time arguing about what’s right, or what’s wrong in those examples that are personal. And in reality, probably neither of you were technically wrong. You just weren’t in alignment because you hadn’t articulated the vision that each of you had. And then in that case negotiated a solution that brought you together in a place that you both felt good about so that you could be aligned and move forward. And gosh, how freeing is that to realize, “Oh, we’re not wrong. We’re just not aligned.” And we’re not aligned because we don’t have the vision clarified between the two of us.

Michael Hyatt: That’s so good. So, the first step in this whole process is to start with vision. That’s always where I first look, if it’s a hiring problem, do we have a job description? Is it written? Do we all understand what it is we’re looking for? What we’re shopping for in terms of filling this position? So, start with vision. Number two, is alignment.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Alignment. This is kind of like the one that’s really easy to forget about.

Michael Hyatt: It is. And when you’re out of alignment, things wobble. Things come apart sometimes. If you’re too far out of alignment, things fly off. Like I’ve had it happen where my tires weren’t aligned. And for whatever reason I almost had a wreck because they weren’t aligned. And the tires were pulling me in a different direction than what I was trying to steer.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yep.

Michael Hyatt: And they weren’t aligned because I had a flat and did know it. And it all happened in a split second.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Wow. Gosh, that’s a scary story. Alignment is really about getting on the same page. Rowing in the same direction. And this is something, if you maybe started your entrepreneurial journey as a solar preneur or a leader where you didn’t have very many team members and you found yourself down the road with a much larger team or organization, this can really show up as being a problem, because what used to be really easy you’ve got one person next to you and you say, “Hey, let’s go do this thing.”
Well, that’s… Articulating the vision and being aligned is almost like handled by the relationship. You don’t really need a formal process for that, you can just do it. But it becomes much more difficult to make sure that you’re rowing in the same direction once you have more people.
And so, having a process of getting people aligned to a vision is really important. That’s why we talk so much with our coaching clients about cascading communication. I’m sure we can link to an episode about that. Because I think we’ve done a number of them in the past. But the idea of getting clear on the vision at the highest level of the company or at the highest level that’s relevant to the decision that’s being made, and then working through hierarchically, and with stakeholders, and making sure everybody understands the vision, you answer their concerns. Then you go to the next level before you take something, for example, to your all team meeting every year and you have some major policy change. Maybe the leaders are surprised by that because they weren’t aligned to the vision before. And they’re just as surprised as all the people that work for them. And they’re not able to back you up that’s a classic example of misalignment and it can cause a lot of problems not to mention being grossly inefficient and ineffective.

Michael Hyatt: Yeah, absolutely. And if you find yourself saying, “But I’ve got a vision, why do I have problems?” I would start with alignment. And alignment shows up, I talked about being wobbly. It could also show up as friction.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Right.

Michael Hyatt: If you’re experiencing size sideways energy, where people are working on projects that don’t really matter, or there are late projects, or quality issues and mistakes, or bad customer experiences that cost you clients. Those are all symptomatic of a lack of alignment. And when we talk about lack of alignment, what we’re talking about is communicating that vision downstream. You’ve got to do that as a leader. And as Megan said, it usually, begins with cascading communication. It’s not enough to have the vision if you don’t communicate that vision, in order to create alignment and to consolidate your resources.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: What I find as a CEO is that, this is one of those things when I think about it, I’m like, “Ugh, I got to do that alignment thing.” It always feels like it takes more time than I want to spend. It kind of slows me down because usually, I have to have a number of different conversations or meetings to get to the place where we’re ready to move into execution.
But I’ll tell you what I have learned over time, if I don’t take that time on the front end, I will sure spend it on the back end, and then some. Because you actually, pay interest on not being aligned later because you end up not only do you have to go back and actually get people aligned, always, if you’re going to effectively execute and you have to do damage control, you’re going to have to go back to this stage anyway, but you’re also going to have to clean up all the problems that were created by the misalignment.
And so, you really end up paying for it twice. And so, usually, what this looks like is just sitting down and having a conversation with people and explaining the vision. So, you’ve articulated it like we were talking earlier. We walk our clients through this process and documentation called the Vision Caster. And then you actually have to share that with your team, whoever the relevant parties are.
And make sure that they really understand it. They have the opportunity to ask questions. They have the opportunity to push back and get to a place of acceptance or resolution around those issues. Sometimes you don’t agree when you’re in alignment, that’s something I learned from you that I think is really important. And I’d love for you to talk about in a second, but you can’t skip this step if you care about high quality execution.

Michael Hyatt: That’s exactly right. And I would say that communication is absolutely necessary. It’s core to alignment, but it’s not the only thing you need. You also need, and this is kind of the setup for answering your question about the difference between alignment and agreement. You’ve got to have trust.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yeah.

Michael Hyatt: Just communicating it, will not help you if the people don’t trust you. And this is why it’s critically important as a leader to stay close to your team, to build the relationships. And it’s really easy to think, “Well, that chit-chat before the meeting, that’s just a waste of time. We need to be efficient. We need to get to it.” No, that’s building the relationship.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yep.

Michael Hyatt: And that creates the seed bed of trust that you’re going to need in order for the communication to be received, and not just received, but for people to commit to the course of action that you’re proposing.
So, yes. There is a difference between agreement and alignment. So, agreement, and this is what a lot of leaders strive for is they want everybody to agree. The problem with that, from just a practical standpoint, is that consensus can be a very tyrannical force in your organization because you’re essentially held captive to the least agreeable person on your team.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yep.

Michael Hyatt: So, if consensus is a standard and somebody doesn’t want to agree, they can just withhold their agreement and they can kind of filibuster the outcome. So, instead, what I want is alignment. And alignment can be hard without agreement, particularly if there’s trust. So, for example, you may propose a course of action, and you debate it, and you give people a chance to express themselves so that they know that they’ve been heard. And then you say, “Okay. Guys, thank you. This was enormously valuable. I want 24 hours to think about it as the leader. And I’ll come back to you with my decision tomorrow.”
And so, you come back the next day and say, “Hey, here’s what I’ve decided. Everybody made great points. Everybody had a different perspective. Here’s what we’re going to do. Sally, can you align with this? I know you don’t agree with it but can you align with it?” Well, unless it’s some kind of moral issue or something of enormous consequence, most people say, “Yeah.” Because nobody knows, so much of the future you’re just guessing anyway. But you want alignment, and it’s going to go a whole lot better if you’re aligned together. So, I just ask for it. Call the question.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yeah. I love asking that question. It’s kind of vulnerable as a leader, but you really want to know if somebody’s not willing to get aligned. Because you’ve got a bigger problem on your hands at that point. Now, you’ve got to kind of fork in the road moment and you might as well expose that because it’s true regardless of whether you ask the question.
And it will undermine you and sabotage your efforts at execution, if you’re not clear on it. And I think the expectation that we should have of our teams is that, they would be willing to align. If we’ve done the hard work of articulating vision, if we’ve done the hard work of a alignment, the expectation from the people that report to us is that, they should be willing to align to the vision that we’re presenting. And usually, that’s the case. Again, doesn’t mean everybody’s going to agree though all the time. And I think that’s a really important point.

Michael Hyatt: Well, I think adults understand that they don’t always get their way.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Right.

Michael Hyatt: That there are perspective. They’re not Omniscient. So, they don’t always get it right.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Right.

Michael Hyatt: And so, again, if you’ve got the communication, if you’ve explained why, if people trust you, people will align. And I’ve never experienced where they haven’t. I’m sure there’s probably people out there that have, but it’s never happened to me.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yep. I was going to ask you that. I haven’t either had that happen. I think that’s always the secret fear, but it’s good to hear from you that over a longer career that’s been the case for you. It’s not ever happened.

Michael Hyatt: Okay. So, vision, alignment and that brings us to the third. I don’t know what we were calling these, but the third leg in the stool, execution.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yeah. This is the one that we’re probably the most familiar with. This is just getting stuff done. The ability to get stuff done and really mobilizing a group of people to get the same things done. A big project that has many parts to it, for example. And probably, a lot of you listening are really good at execution. It’s probably part of the way that you have been successful.
However, you might find that you’re a little frustrated that your team is not as good as you are at it. And simultaneously, you can’t do it all by yourself. So, you need the people on your team to do it. So, here are a few ways that you might identify that you have some problem at the execution level. Number one, your daily tasks don’t contribute to achieving your goals or vision.
So, I would say this may be true for you, but this may be even truer for the people on your team. Number two, you’re working on the wrong tasks or you’re wasting time on low priority tasks. Usually, that is probably an alignment or a vision problem. So, I think you’ll kind of see the threads in these, they’re very often, these have an upstream problem. You spend time with your clients that you should be actually firing, who are underperforming and keeping you from your most important customers. So, that’s not a good use of your time from an execution standpoint.
You realize that you’re operating off of incorrect or insufficient financial information. You have people on your team who are in the wrong job. They just don’t have the right skills for the work that needs to be done, or your processes and systems aren’t robust enough to keep everything together anymore. And these are all execution issues. I would say that when we see problems at an execution level, a lot of times those are really symptoms of these other two areas of alignment and vision.

Michael Hyatt: I will say, and you kind of mentioned this as a symptom, but it’s also the cure. And that is to get your daily tasks aligned with your weekly objectives.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yes.

Michael Hyatt: Aligned with your quarterly goals.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yep.

Michael Hyatt: Aligned with the organizations outcomes.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yep.

Michael Hyatt: And so, there should be a through-line of sight from our daily tasks, all the way to what we’re trying to create or build together in the world. And so, I think this is part of the Full Focus System and that is to come up with your daily big three. That’s where execution really begins because when people have too many tasks, what happens is that they get overwhelmed and then they feel defeated.
And it really damages their confidence. So, they stop making forward progress. So, the best way around that is to limit your output, realizing that not all tasks are created equal. Some are more important than others, but to identify your daily big three. What are the three tasks that either move me toward completion of one of my important goals?
Or just one of my important projects? You can do all the other things as other task, as we call it the Full Focus Planner. But your daily big three should be reserved for those things that are truly important. They could also be urgent or not urgent, but they’ve got to be important. If you focus on that. And if you do it day after day, week after week, you will make progress and that’s execution

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Well, and similarly at an organizational level, the projects that your team are working on should relate back and be driving your annual goals forward. And those goals ought to be driving your long range vision forward. If they’re not, then what’s the point? We want there to be a relationship between what’s happening at a project level or a task level inside the organization with our annual goals, and then with our long range plan. We really want to be moving toward realizing the vision that we have for the organization. And that’s where vision, alignment come in, in setting us up for high quality execution.

Michael Hyatt: Sometimes execution doesn’t happen because there’s not accountability.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Right.

Michael Hyatt: In other words, we’ve created a culture where we let people off the hook, how do you build accountability, Megan, at Full Focus among your staff?

Megan Hyatt-Miller: One of the things that I think is really important is, establishing concrete deliverables and deadlines for things. So, if you just say, “Hey. I’d like your help with X, Y, Z. Can you do that for me?” And somebody says, “Yeah.” But you don’t have a deadline and you don’t have any way to measure it. How do you know if it’s been done? There’s no baked-in accountability.
What you really want is self-accountability. You really want people who are holding themself accountable, but you need to set the parameters for that as the leader. In your direct report relationships, you need to establish, when is that thing due? What do I actually want from you? What am I holding you accountable to? When will we review it? Those kinds of things. So, that for me, is happening in the establishment of deadlines and deliverables.
And also, within the one-on-one meetings that I’m having, where we’re reviewing KPIs that each executive is responsible for. I know that I need those Key Performance Indicators that ultimately are going to drive our goals forward. So, if they deliver those KPIs within the range that I’ve asked them to, then our goals are going to move forward.
And so, I think that oftentimes we just leave it too squishy, maybe we’re uncomfortable with that level of definition and is not a setup for getting what you want from people. It also doesn’t help them to feel successful if they don’t know what it means to be successful, because you haven’t defined that for them. Nobody likes to play a game where they can’t see the scoreboard and they don’t know what it means to win.

Michael Hyatt: That’s really good. Another thing to do too, in terms of building accountability that drives execution is, to develop a cadence of accountability.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yep.

Michael Hyatt: So, one of the things we do in our one-on-one meetings or in our group meetings with our teammates is we always start the meeting with the wins since the last time. How did we win since the last time we were together? And then move to a reporting on the previous commitments. What did you commit to in our last meeting? And how did you do against that commitment?
And so, that’s huge. And by the way, it’s bilateral. It’s not just the person that reports to me, that’s reporting on what they committed to do for me or for the organization. But I probably made some commitments too, that we want to track.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Right.

Michael Hyatt: And then at the end of the meeting, now we’ve got a new set of commitments. So, we’re going to review those, make sure that each commitment has an owner. And so, we bookend the meeting. The bulk of it is in the middle of that, but we start with the commitments, we end with the commitments. And after a while, people figure out that if they make a commitment in a meeting, they’re going to be asked about it at the next meeting.

Megan Hyatt-Mil…: Yeah.

Michael Hyatt: And they don’t show up too many times without their commitments done because nobody wants to be embarrassed in front of the boss or worst in front of their peers.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Yep. It’s really good.

Michael Hyatt: Okay. Today, we’ve been talking about the Full Focus System. Specifically vision, alignment, and execution and in that order. We’ve given you a lot of examples. Hopefully, this will give you the ability to be able to drive the kind of performance that you want to drive in your business. Megan, any final thoughts?

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Well, I love having the Full Focus System in my pocket. I probably, use this 3-5 times a week, when I’m facing some kind of a problem that I want to go solve. Before, I’ve developed the ability over time. And instead of just jumping to solve the problem, I ask myself, “Okay. What’s really going on here?” And this framework of vision, alignment, and execution.
And asking myself, “Okay. Where do I think the problem really is at the root?” Helps me to get very targeted solutions that really solve the problem in far less time. So, you spend a little bit of time in the diagnostic process, but you save so much time by not solving the wrong problems or not being effective at solving problems.
So, I hope that this is as beneficial to you guys as it’s been to us and to our clients, because gosh, it’s just so nice to have kind of a little Swiss army knife that you can pull out when you’re in a pinch and feel like this is the way out.

Michael Hyatt: So true. Well, as we mentioned at the top of the show, this is one framework among many that we use in our coaching program. It’s made a huge difference for our clients. If you want to find out more about that, check out and schedule a free call with one of our business growth consultants. I promise you it’ll be well worth your time.

Megan Hyatt-Miller: Guys. Thanks so much for joining us today. Hopefully, this has been helpful for you until next week, Lead to Win.