We all miss big goals occasionally. When that happens, it can be lonely and embarrassing. It’s tempting to simply forget about the failure and move on. When that happens, we miss a key learning opportunity. In order to achieve in the future, we must become excellent students of our own failure. Michael and Megan reveal the four most common reasons for goal failure, and how to fix them.
In this episode, you will:
- Understand why it’s critical to understand failure as well as celebrate success.
- Identify the four most common reasons leaders miss big goals.
- Gain practical tips for optimizing your current goals.
- Learn how to keep your goals from getting lost in the hustle of day-to-day activity.
- Find out how to make your goals procrastination-proof.
- Learn how to inject an element of risk to make goal achievement more likely.
- Receive encouragement to try again after missing a key objective.