
Episode: How to Integrate Encouragement into Your Leadership

Megan Hyatt Miller: Hi, I’m Megan Hyatt Miller, and this is Lead to Win, our weekly podcast to help you win at work and succeed at life. Today, I am back from sabbatical, and I am so excited to be back with you guys. I missed you all. I really did! If you’re wondering where my dad is, he is out on sabbatical for the entire summer for his first ever three-month-long sabbatical. When he gets back, we will for sure do an episode and share some takeaways about our experiences.

I’m going to be really excited to hear how that has gone and what he has learned, so stay tuned for that, but in the meantime, I’m going to be hosting a series of exciting conversations with some really special guests who I have handpicked from inside our company, and today I am joined by my friend and our chief coaching officer, Michele Cushatt.

For those of you who have been around for a while, that name is going to sound familiar, because Michele was the co-host of our earlier podcast with my dad, This Is Your Life, so she is very familiar to a lot of you. Michele is responsible for all aspects of the development and management of our executive coaching and corporate training programs where we now serve around 700 business-owner clients and executives.

Since some of you are going to ask, if you want more information on executive coaching or corporate training, you can find out about that at Michele has really enabled us to build a phenomenal program for our clients thanks to her skills as a tremendous visionary and a masterful, and when I say masterful I mean masterful, builder of systems and people, which is really a unique combination of those two things. Michele, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!

Michele Cushatt: Me too! Oh, my goodness! This is so much fun! I’m going to do my best to try to stay focused and not have too many bunny trails. Okay? I make no promises.

Megan: That’s half of the fun. Well, as I was telling our producer, Nick, before we got started, Michele and I love hanging out together, so we’re just really going to try to keep it under control for this episode and not get too out of control, but it’s going to be a really fun one. Michele, before we jump into the content, which is going to be great today, I’d love for you to just tell our audience a little bit more about yourself in case they’re new around here and don’t know you from the previous podcast.

Michele: Absolutely! Well, you’ve already talked about what I do professionally at Michael Hyatt & Company. Personally, I’m married to Troy. We live in Colorado halfway between Denver and Colorado Springs. The mountains are in my blood, so my favorite thing to do is hike a mountain, preferably by myself with my dog and my AirPods in, listening to a book. We have six kids. Every time I say that out loud, I think I get a little bit older and more tired. Six kids ages 29, 27, 24, 15, 14, and 14.

Megan: Wow!

Michele: I like to tell people that although the pandemic was hard for everyone, I endured the pandemic with three 13-year-olds at home, and I feel like I should get some special kind of commendation.

Megan: Absolutely you should! #sendwine.

Michele: Lots and lots of wine! That gives you a little bit about me. I love coaching. In my heart of hearts, I love developing people and helping to see the best potential in them and call it out, and that’s what coaching is all about.

Megan: Well, that is, really, I think, an understatement, because you have taken that passion personally. In your professional background, you have brought that to our coaching program, and it has just been amazing to watch both your team develop and our clients under your leadership. It has been really fun to have been friends with you but now get to be friends and get to work together, so it makes every day fun.

Michele: I agree! I could not imagine anything better.

Megan: Today we’re going to talk about encouragement and why it is an essential tool for creating a culture of top performance in your organization. This applies, by the way, whether you’re a CEO or an executive like Michele and I are leading a whole company or team or just leading one or two people. Honestly, this applies even to aspiring leaders, because a skilled encourager becomes a natural motivator of people, which is critical for leadership.

When you really hone this ability to encourage your team, you suddenly have, honestly, a superpower at your disposal. Through encouragement you can literally call out the greatness in the people you are leading and serving, but I think the question becomes, “How can you best encourage your team for maximum effect?” How can you go from being kind of random about it and not that intentional to really intentional? Today, we’re going to show you how you can integrate encouragement into your leadership style by following these five simple guidelines. Michele, will you start by talking about what encouragement is?

Michele: Yeah. Absolutely. We kind of use and throw around the term encouragement. At times, I think we’ve let it become too commonplace, almost like a fluffy thing like we’re just being fluffy like flattery, but that’s not really what encouragement is at its core. You kind of have to break the word down. This isn’t hard, but if you break encourage into two parts, it comes from in courage.

In other words, when you encourage somebody you help them to operate in a place of courage, so it’s to inspire, to put spirit or hope into somebody, to spur on or stimulate. A very short way of capturing this when you encourage somebody it is that you help them to be stronger, so it’s a way to make somebody else strong.

None of us would say, “I don’t have any desire to make my teammates stronger. I want them to be weaker.” We would never say that, but it’s so funny when we start talking about encouragement as leaders, we tend to make that a fluffy term, and it’s not! Again, it’s actually a very empowering term, and if you want to have a strong, capable, productive team, then encouragement needs to be a daily part of your operations as a leader.

Megan: Well, I totally agree, and this bears out in my experience. One of the things that is interesting about a high-growth team or a high-performance team, which we hear a lot about and we talk a lot about on this podcast, is that if you really have a high-performing team, you are pursuing goals, initiatives, and objectives that are probably outside of everybody’s comfort zone. That’s true for you as a leader. That’s true for the people you’re leading.

Everybody is pushing the edge of how far they’ve been, or doing things maybe for the first time, which certainly is a setup for the opposite of courage, for self-doubt, so I think if you’re going to expect maximum performance from your team, you really have to get good at helping to build their confidence, because confidence is the number-one practical way we are able to head out and overcome our fear to act with confidence, and other people’s belief in us and their ability to communicate that through encouragement is one of the best ways to really give that shot in the arm to your team so that they can act with courage, which I think is absolutely necessary for doing big things.

Michele: You have to think of it in terms of… I’ve been watching the Olympics with athletes who are running and doing track and field. You watch them run these races, and they run all out. They are strong. They go run out, but they don’t run without recuperation, so they do this, but they have to do things in order to make themselves strong in between that.

Often in a professional space, especially in high-achieving environments, we want our people to be like machines who are just working hard all of the time, and we don’t allow them time or also contribute to their recovery and them being stronger. If encouragement is to make strong, that has to be a part of helping to equip them to go out and perform at a high level.

Megan: I think that’s a really great point, because there is kind of an emotional recovery or a psychological recovery that is a part of what you’re talking about. Certainly, we talk a lot here about the necessity of taking PTO, resting, rejuvenating, and all of that, but there is also that mental and psychological component, and that’s where I think encouragement is easily underestimated.

Michele, as you were talking about this definition of encouragement, I was thinking about my own experiences with this, and I have to say, even though he is not here today, probably the best encourager I know is my dad. I really think this is a superpower of his, and I can think of so many times when, as a leader…

Separated from the daughter part, that’s true also, but more relevant to what we’re talking about today when, as a leader, I’ve had to face something really difficult, something I wasn’t sure I could get through or I wasn’t sure if I had the capability or it was new for me or whatever, probably every time I see him, whether it’s one of those times or in general, he always says, “You’re doing great! You’re doing great!” I can tell he means it. He’s not just like, “See you next time!”

It’s a meaningful, heartfelt thing he says, and he also really normalizes it for me when I have a lack of courage or when I feel anxious or when I feel scared about something big I’m going to do like, “That’s normal. Everybody feels like that.” I’m like, “Really? Okay. Other people are getting through it, so I guess I’m going to be able to get through it, too,” and it really does make me strong.

I would say of all the people in my life, besides Joel, my husband who is also an amazing encourager, professionally my dad has really been the biggest cheerleader in this way, and it inspires me to want to be like that with the people I lead.

Michele: One hundred percent! Well, I have a story about your dad’s encouragement. Are you ready for this? I don’t think I’ve ever shared this publicly, and he may not even remember this. Back in the day, in early 2010 or 2012, I wanted to be a writer. Now, if you know me and follow me now, I have already written three books, but at that point in time I was not published at all.

I had put together a proposal, and your dad and I had worked on a couple of different projects together, and he offered to review it and advocate for it being that he’s in the publishing industry. Well, let me tell you we were months into this with a lot of work. I got so thoroughly rejected by his contacts, so not only did he advocate for me and let a publisher know that he really thought there was potential here, they thought it was so terrible that I got very thoroughly rejected. Your dad was the one to call me and let me know. “They didn’t go for it.”

Megan: This was Thomas Nelson, so his own company?

Michele: Thomas Nelson.

Megan: Oh, no!

Michele: But he wasn’t there anymore. He had just made the contact. This is what I want you to know. He called me. I still remember where I was sitting. I was sitting on the carpet in my bedroom. Of course, I was all emotional because I had so thoroughly failed. I was trying to be tough, and I was trying to be professional, and he was delivering this hard news, but he did it in a way that made me strong. He gave me the hard news but also encouraged me not to give up and to use it as a learning opportunity and to make it better and as a result of that…

Again, it was a very authentic encouragement in a heated moment. I was able then, after I recovered and picked up my ego off of the floor, to revise that whole proposal, and it ended up becoming my first book with a different publisher. It ended up being an amazing book, and I sold thousands and thousands of copies, but that’s a great example of well-timed encouragement that is authentic and sincere that actually made me strong to do what needed to happen.

Megan: This is so powerful, and I think what you’re saying there is that when we have seasons when you’re navigating a personal challenge or there is crisis management or other kinds of rapid change and growth, what all of those things really have in common is insecurity (moments of fear or moments of self-doubt).

That’s when encouragement is needed most, and this is where the good self-awareness of a leader and their emotional intelligence will enable them to pick up on that and come in and deliver encouragement surgically in a way that is really, really powerful.

Let’s get to it. Let’s talk about the five simple guidelines for effective encouragement. Why don’t you start us off, Michele?

Michele: You got it! The first guideline is to be authentic. Now, this should go without saying, but you have to tell the truth. Encouragement that is false is not encouragement at all. In fact, it accomplishes the opposite. People can sniff out a fake encourager or a fake compliment without much effort, so don’t even waste your time being fake.

That’s flattery. Nobody likes meaningless flattery. It’s just a waste of air. I like to think of flattery being like cotton candy. It disappears the moment you taste it. It has no lasting power. It doesn’t do anything to really make you feel better or stronger. It actually makes things worse.

Instead,  you need to do the work. Go find authentic encouragement, things you genuinely appreciate and value in each member of your team. Now, that said, you may have people on your team where it’s a little bit challenging to find things you genuinely value. I’m sure it’s nobody on this podcast listening right now, but there are situations where you struggle, but the thing is, as a leader, your job is to search for authentic, true, positive qualities in your people and then call them forth.

Megan: I think that’s really important. It reminds me of parenting kids. I think there are so many parallels between parenting and leadership. I actually think parenting is one of the best training grounds for leadership for that reason, but so often… I think about how right now two of my kids are 13 and 11. You know, that’s a tough age. Those are hard ages, as you know, Michele, and sometimes it can be very hard to find things to encourage them in.

Yet, what I know is that when I practice catching them getting things right and not always focusing on what is wrong, I get more… My mom always says, “I get more of what I notice,” in them, and I think that’s true for employees, too. Obviously, if there is a performance issue, you have to deal with that, but I think encouragement can go a long way in improving performance and not just optimizing it and kind of getting to the next level with already strong performers.

Michele: For those who struggle to find something positive with someone, and we all have moments when we’re just getting irritated or annoyed, one of the great places to start to look for a positive quality is often in a weakness, because there is often a symbiotic relationship between strengths and weaknesses, so whatever that thing is that is annoying you or bothering you…

I’m not talking about performance issues but just a behavior. Try to see it and reframe it and see how that is actually bringing a benefit that you hadn’t considered before. It still may warrant a conversation or a corrective conversation, but often those kind of things actually are a big springboard to finding something you value.

Megan: For example, if you have someone who is really risk averse on your team, and every time you think of a great idea they are constantly bringing up why that won’t work, that can be unproductive depending particularly on what level of the organization they are at. However, that person is probably also keeping you out of trouble in really important ways, so you do need people like that on your team.

This was kind of a hard lesson for me to learn because it used to just bug the heck out of me. “Why aren’t you on board with my awesome ideas and ready to go do all of this big change?” The truth is the people God put on our teams, and oftentimes these people show up in places like finance, operations, customer experience, and things like that, are really keeping you out of trouble, because they see things you can’t see because that’s not your orientation. It really is worth encouraging even if sometimes you have to coach some of the other stuff as well. I love that one.

Michele: First of all, you call out the value you appreciate and the way it is contributing in a positive way, but then you can also help… That’s how encouragement ends up helping to redirect at times something that is a weakness in a healthy way. That’s how it really makes the individual stronger but then makes your team stronger as well.

Megan: Yeah. I absolutely agree with that. Well, that leads nicely into the second guideline which is to be specific. A lot of times when we are giving encouragement, maybe we feel a little awkward because there is a sense of vulnerability about giving someone encouragement, so we do it where the compliment or the encouragement is kind of vague.

What happens when you have vague or non-specific encouragement is it just doesn’t land very hard. It doesn’t resonate as being authentic, so one of the ways to kind of operationalize that first guideline of being authentic is to use the second guideline, which is to be specific. That looks like looking for specific behaviors and specific attitudes and specific actions you can acknowledge and call out.

I think about times when Erin Perry, my chief of staff, has done a lot of work on something and then some circumstance will come up and I’ll have to say, “Actually, I don’t want to do it like that, but I want to do it like this,” and that means a lot of work for her, and every single time she’s like, “No problem! I’m on it!”

She just is unflappable, she is endlessly flexible, and she really is able to be in the middle of a high-stakes situation, take feedback or change in direction, integrate it, run with it, and produce an amazing product or whatever it is that I need. I’m so grateful for that in her because that is so much a part of the work she does with me, but that’s kind of what I’m talking about.

What specifically…? It’s not just, “Thanks for your can-do attitude,” but it’s, “Specifically, here are the things you did that I’m so grateful for.” We had a situation like that this week, and I shared some encouragement with her about that, because I really felt grateful, and I actually think gratitude may be one of the easiest ways to connect with this.

As you’re trying to think of the specific behaviors, attitudes, and actions you want to acknowledge and call out, if you think about what you’re really grateful for with that person and what they do that is a major contribution to your team or organization or to you personally, that’s helpful, I think, to getting the clarity you need. It just takes another minute or two to have that clarity, but it makes all the difference in how valuable the encouragement is and how effective it is at making the person who is the recipient strong, as you said at the beginning.

Michele: Being specific about that feedback makes it possible for your teammate or team member to replicate that behavior. For example, I could look at my client-care team and say, “You guys are really good at customer service.” That’s very general. It’s true, but it’s very general. Then, I could also look at them and say, “Kristen, when you’re on the phone with a client and you listen to what they say and validate it right away before you go into problem-solving mode, you create such an environment of safety and empathy. I love how you do that. It’s so powerful!”

Megan: That’s totally different.

Michele: When she moves forward, first of all, she’s going to remember exactly what I said and what I called out, and she’s going to then step up and want to replicate that over and over and over again as she does her job, because I’ve made it clear. It’s so much different than saying, “You have great customer service.”

Megan: Yes! It really is, and part of what we’re trying to do is provide more and more clarity around our expectations. As my husband, Joel, often says, “Take things that are implicit, which is usually where the land of expectations lives, and make them explicit.” You kind of get a double benefit here. On the one hand, this is more meaningful to the person you’re encouraging, but on the other hand, it’s really a template for the future so that they can align their behavior with what you’ve said you wanted in a way that really sets them up to win, and I love that.

Michele: Let’s go on. We’ve talked so far about the first guideline, be authentic, and the second guideline, be specific, but now we’re going to get even more practical with the third guideline. Connect whatever encouragement you’re offering to your vision and goals. This is what I mean. When you offer that encouragement, especially in a professional environment, connect it to the overall mission or the goals and the vision of the company so your people see how they are specifically contributing to the success of your organization.

What this does is it gives your people a sense of purpose and meaning around their day-to-day jobs, so when they show up and go to work they’re not just going to a job, but they’re actually contributing to a purpose, and it gives everything they do a sense of meaning and significance, and that’s what people are so hungry for.

Megan: Yeah. I think that is huge. There is a lot of research about this, actually, that engagement has to do with a sense of being a part of something bigger than yourself and making a meaningful contribution to that.

One of the things I have noticed over the years is there are people who tend to be in more back-office kind of roles, supportive functions in a business, whether that is your executive assistant team or your finance team or operations, where it can feel kind of disconnected sometimes from the “mission” of the organization where they’re not on the front lines with clients or they’re not out there delivering the product or the content, and it can be easy for those things to get really separated, I think it’s important as leaders for us to draw the connection between every single role in our company and the outcome we are focused on delivering to our customers through our mission and our vision.

The truth is they all relate or we wouldn’t have those people working for us. We know that as leaders. We have to make a business case for why we need people in all of those roles, including the business support roles, but sometimes we fail to (as I’ve often said that Joel, my husband, says) show our work. We don’t show the connections for people, and they are less obvious for people who are not at the very top of the organization who have that vantage point and can see everything. That last one is really, really important.

Michele: A task is a task. It doesn’t have meaning unless you connect it to a bigger purpose. Back to the kids example. If I tell them to wash their dinner plates, it’s just a task unless I say, “What would happen after a week if six or eight people didn’t wash their dinner plates?” They see the bigger purpose. That’s a very small example, but obviously, it plays out much bigger.

One way I’ve done this even in the last 24 hours is my team and I are on a group Voxer channel, so we do Voxer back and forth. I gave them a homework assignment last night. I said, “I need each of you to reflect on the last two months and tell me what contribution you have made to get our team to where we are today that you’re most proud of and share it. You can’t text it. You have to use your voice. I want you to hear yourself say it out loud.”

We did this in a group. What was interesting was… It’s hard to do. It’s hard to say. It’s vulnerable, but they did it, and we then have counteracted by coming back and saying, “But we also see you doing this and this. This is how what you’re doing is impacting the overall mission of the company and our team, and we could not do this without you.” In creating that, I hope my team feels energized today because they’re starting to see what they are doing is making a difference.

Megan: I love that! That reminds me, Michele… I know we need to move on to our next one here, but I have to tell this story. We did a special dinner for our executive team at the beginning of this year celebrating a big financial goal we had achieved together along, of course, with our teams for 2020.

The assignment I gave you guys as executives was to think about the contribution each of the other executives had made. You know, what was it about their leadership that enabled us to achieve that goal? What was really cool about it was it was just like a massive fire hose of encouragement (what we’ve talked about) of calling out what people had done right…being specific, connecting it with the goal, and being authentic. There were several points when we were all in tears it was so meaningful.

One other pro tip here you can do, and I think you did this with your team, is getting people to acknowledge each other and encourage each other and not just have it be from leader to direct report or to his or her team. That’s another really powerful way to lead encouragement without necessarily being the one to do it.

The fourth guideline is to balance encouragement with candor. This is kind of a hard one. I’m going to be honest. This is the one where many of us probably have some room to grow and maybe even, Michele, why sometimes we avoid encouragement, because we feel there is some unresolved other issue that needs to be dealt with, so we just don’t do either one.

We kind of stay in this place of doing neither, but what we know is that when we constantly encourage without providing candid feedback it becomes difficult for our people to trust us because they start to wonder, “Are you just being nice? Is this really about you making sure I like you?” Honestly, that can be the motivation.

I have fallen into that myself, for sure, when I’m really getting something out of encouraging but not providing candor. Being a leader who speaks directly and truthfully even when giving hard-to-hear feedback is what ultimately builds trust. You and I have had this conversation a number of different times about how we want to be the kind of leaders who have short accounts with the people we are leading, and this is true with the peers you work with. It certainly is true in your marriage. That’s a side note, but that’s there as well. It’s true with your boss. It’s true in all of your relationships.

We don’t want to wonder, “Is there something you haven’t told me?” I always want the people I’m leading to feel like if I haven’t talked to you about something there is nothing to talk about, and if there is something to talk about, you’re going to hear about it right away and you don’t even need to worry about it unless I’m talking to you about it. It just creates a huge environment of trust. Tell me what you think about that.

Michele: One thing we do, as a company, is we don’t save feedback for our annual reviews. We give feedback, positive and negative, throughout the year. We’ve talked about it. When we see it, we don’t save it up and then dump it on the person at their annual review. Definite, authentic, back-and-forth both positive and constructive, candor feedback is what really creates this culture of confidence that I think we’ve really built here. One of our teammates has said, and I’ve quoted this many, many times, that Michael Hyatt & Company is the safest place to fail.

Megan: Wow! I love that.

Michele: Isn’t that great? It’s the safest place to fail. I think part of that is that we do keep short accounts and we offer both candor and encouragement in our dialogue. The reality is, and I could get really passionate about this, all of us are human. Every single one of us has room for growth. We all have our baggage. We all have our things and our behaviors or attitudes or actions that are not ideal.

We all have it, and no matter how old we are or how much experience we have, we will never be beyond the need for feedback, so that feedback when we’re also in an environment with authentic, specific, vision and goal tied-in encouragement is just a fantastic place to feel like you can bring all of yourself. You can be a whole person and bring your whole self to your work.

Megan: I agree with that, and I also think it helps people accept encouragement without distrusting it, because there is a vulnerability in accepting encouragement. Can I really trust this is what you say it is and there is not something behind the surface like a “Yes, but…” kind of moment? I think this whole marriage of encouragement and candid feedback enables people to feel safe, to trust, and to be vulnerable in both directions as leader and as recipient of encouragement. I love that. We’re ready for our last guideline. Michele, do you want to take us there?

Michele: All right! The final guideline is to be sensitive to the individual. If encouragement is truly designed to make the other person strong…we go back to the initial definition…then do it in a context that truly is going to be a benefit for them. For example, some people do not really enjoy or benefit from public affirmation. It’s embarrassing or uncomfortable for them or they’ll have a hard time receiving it. Some people really thrive on public affirmation.

I tell people it’s just about timing. Certain times are better times to receive encouragement. You and I were talking yesterday. I’m at the place of a little bit of fatigue. I’m on the verge of PTO. I’m tired. Well, just the fact that I’m tired… The timing of my ability to receive either candor or encouragement right now is kind of… I have minimal processing power in my brain right now…

Megan: Your battery is at the low point.

Michele: Yeah. It’s at a low point, so as a leader, be smart. Think about the individual. Would this encouragement give them the biggest boost at this time or maybe a different time, in this environment or in a different environment? How can I deliver this in such a way that it is going to have the maximum impact for the person I’m delivering it to?

Megan: I think that’s critically important, and that’s one of the ones that I can find really easy to forget to think about. It’s never intentional, but it’s easy to forget to think about that, and all of this is leading up to how we accomplish the outcome of actual encouragement of helping to bring somebody into a state of courage using our words.

Assessing the emotional state of someone, their preferences, how introverted or extroverted they are, and those kinds of things are really important. One thing that I think can be a great tool here is sending notes. I love to send handwritten notes. I love to send them to people’s homes, because then, if they are married or they have a family, they are able to share that. It kind of becomes a little private but sort of public acknowledgment and can be something they can look at a number of different times.

That can be another option for how to encourage besides saying it to their face or sending them a message or a text or an email. It can feel very personal and intimate but also there is an element of public celebration if they are living in a home with other people who might see it as well or even if they just might stick it on their bathroom mirror. I have notes from my dad that I’ve saved for years like that.

Michele: I have one from you that you sent me within three months of working here that is right here in my file cabinet right next to me (a handwritten note). What was so powerful for me… My family doesn’t pay any attention to that. They don’t even really know what I do.

Megan: Especially those teenagers. They don’t know.

Michele: They don’t care. They don’t know what I do. For me, having the actual written words where I could read the words versus hearing them… There is something about reading for me that has a bigger impact than hearing it, so I still have it. I’ve had it for 16 months now or whatever sitting right here in my drawer.

Megan: Wow! I love that. That’s a great story. Well, that wraps up all of our guidelines for how to effectively encourage the people who are on your team. I’m going to review these really quickly. The first guideline is to be authentic. The second guideline is to be specific. The third guideline is to connect it to vision and goals. The fourth guideline is to balance it with candor. Finally, the fifth guideline is to be sensitive to the individual. Michele, what final thoughts do you have about encouragement?

Michele: Well, I’d like to speak to all of those overachievers who feel like these all have to be done before you give encouragement. You know who you are. You’re not always going to get it right. You’re not always going to check off all five of these boxes. It is better to give encouragement even in the moment and even if you don’t do it perfectly than to neglect it altogether, so start somewhere. Just start somewhere. If this is hard for you or you’re afraid you’re going to do it wrong, just take that expectation off of the table and realize simply speaking encouragement into somebody’s life is going to energize them and give them life, so start somewhere.

Megan: I love that. If that is you and you’re maybe feeling a little overwhelmed, I would focus on the first guideline to be authentic and the second guideline to be specific. If you can master those two, the rest are pretty easy and you can build on it over time. Well, Michele, thank you for joining me today. This has been so fun to have you on. I just love any time I get to spend with you. I think we were pretty good together. We didn’t cause too much trouble.

Michele: We didn’t get too loud and crazy. I make no guarantees about the next time, but this time we were well behaved.

Megan: This time we were well behaved. That’s right. Thank you, guys, for joining us here today. It’s so good to be back with you. Until next week, lead to win.